A new start

When doubts beat you like waves
on coastlines, then trust in
the King of righteousness, who saves
us from destruction and from sin.

Compassionate to all repentant,
Christ shows mercy from His heart,
and with His power transcendent
He offers sinners a new start.

He rescues us from flames, snatching -
from prisons, illnesses, and strife,
and no-one His might is matching,
when He is giving a new life.

He wants to turn not a new page,
but everything in you renew,
and He desires to engage
with everything that makes you YOU.

When you obtain Christ’s forgiveness,
He gives you also new roles.
Become a partner in His business:
help Him to rescue other souls!


весна возвращает к жизни... после плюс пяти градусов возобновляется фотосинтез... у бога свой термометр в руке...

Владимир Лагунов   27.03.2024 14:17     Заявить о нарушении
Невозможно не согласиться.

Альбина Кумирова   28.03.2024 00:46   Заявить о нарушении
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